Luis Henrique Alves Cândido
Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil
Currently the development of new products can have more than 50,000.00 types of materials that are available. This demonstrates two important situations. The first situation contributes to the development of new products and technological innovation in several areas. The second situation is the counterpart to the first, ie, there is a real possibility of increased generation of various types of waste. Although they have been developed design tools, with an environmental focus, such as the Ecodesign and the 3R's, the disposal of materials, without proper treatment, have expanded in recent years. This situation causes many businesses, often pressured by public bodies, laws and the consumer, to rethink their industrial processes and methodologies for the display and manufacturing products. Thus, this research shows the cycle of recycling materials (CRM) as a support tool, technical and scientific, for the Selection of Materials, which aims to assist the area of Engineering and Design in the development of new products. CRM allows to evaluate the lifetime of the
material as parameter, its mechanical properties after several cycles of recycling. Thus, knowing the value of these properties, it becomes possible to make decisions that will maintain or correct these properties, according to the needs of the construction product.
Abstract : Applying the cycle of recycling materials (CRM) as a tool for design of products