Doron Lavee
Tel-Hai College
Doron Lavee holds a PhD in Public Economics from the Ben-Gurion University, an MA in Economics and an MBA in Business Administration and Economics from the Hebrew University. He is a member of the Department of Economics and Management at Tel-Hai Academic College. He also serves as a Partner and General Manager of Pareto Group Ltd. He is a well-known expert with over 22 years of experience in economic and environmental consulting, financial advisory and strategic consulting in various fields, including issues related to economic efficiency and the periphery. He has extensive experience in managing complex projects and large-scale environmental economic consulting and conducting projects for the public and government sectors, including government ministries, local authorities, government corporations and public agencies.
Research Interest
Main research fields are economics and public policy, in particular analyzing water system management, environment, transportation, industry, foreign trade, small business, employment, land policy and agriculture. My research includes cost-benefit analysis of various alternatives of regulation and policy measures, market structure analysis, policy measures effects on the consumers, the environment and the business sector. The research includes both theoretical models and analyzing empirical data. Research examples: solid waste management; noise from roads; air quality; evaluation of non marketable land; impact of policy measures on water consumption; cost-benefit analysis of upgrading waste water desalination; and employment of Arab women.