Hasan Baylavli
Hitit University,Turkey
Title: Temporal changes in mechanical properties of steel fiber reinforced and polypropylene fiber reinforced aggregate recycling concrete
Biography: Hasan Baylavli
In this study, recycling aggregates were obtained from polypropylene fiber-reinforced concrete produced in different types and proportions. Polypropylene fiber-reinforced welding concrete was broken in a jaw crusher at the end of 120 days, and recycling aggregates of 0-4mm, 4-15mm and 15-22, 4 mm dimensions were obtained. With the polypropylene fiber-reinforced recycling aggregates obtained, concrete is produced again. Polypropylene fiber reinforced aggregate recycling concrete has been added in two (2) different ratios of steel fiber. Steel fiber reinforced concrete produced has been awaited for three years in the laboratory environment. The compressive strength, tensile splitting strength, elasticity modulus, bending strength, and bending strength deformation of the suspended concrete were investigated. The compression, tensile splitting, and bending strength and the modulus values of elasticity have increased slightly depending on the time. The abrasion and water imbibition values of hardened concrete samples were also measured. The addition of steel fiber has improved abrasion strength. The water imbibition ratio has also increased with the addition of steel fiber.