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Marisa Soares Borges

Marisa Soares Borges

Federal University of Paraná, Brazil

Title: Rethinking recycling as an environmental solution and wider business for circular economy. The curitiba case study for c&d waste


Biography: Marisa Soares Borges


Earth’s natural resources are finite and should be used in a rational and balanced way. To be environmentally sustainable, resources must be efficiently and effectively managed. In waste streams these can be repaired, recycled, reused. The recycling provides a link between reuse and mitigation of environmental problems saving resources and producing new products providing a win-win and wider solution that enables more efficient use of resources, stimulating the growth of economic and social development. The circular economy is one in which products are recycled, repaired or reused rather than thrown away, and in which waste from one process becomes an input into other processes. The literature complements circular economy between resource use, refurbishing materials, and economic growth. This paper is a comprehensive review of state-of-the-art of recycling and circular economy through the reuse of waste in the Curitiba city civil construction sector. It also reviews published review articles to highlight major findings, and analyses future research trends in construction and demolition waste.